Monday, February 4, 2008

Sure, There Are Some Echoes, but '08 Won't Be '68

Joel Achenbach published this thoughtful editorial in the Washington Post yesterday. It reflects my own thinking on the parallels between our time and forty years ago (I can scarcely comprehend that much time has passed, but so be it).

By Joel Achenbach

, Sunday, December 30, 2007; B01

History repeating itself: It's a tidy premise. In fact, it's irresistible -- and wrong, but wrong in interesting ways that shed light on both years. Sure, elements of '68 persist in the world and in America today (because folly is durable), but the difference between 2008 and 1968 is the difference between needing psychotherapy and requiring a brain transplant.

Read the full editorial here.

First posted 12-31-07 on the original Whistling Dog.

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