If -- from my recent Whistling Dog posts -- you might be wondering if I'm favoring Barack Obama in the upcoming New Mexico Democratic caucuses, you would be correct in your assumption.
I think the Clintons (both Bill and Hillary) have behaved immaturely (my mother's word, actually) in recent weeks -- in a shockingly clumsy way, as a matter of fact -- especially for a couple with a reputation for competence and intelligence.
That Bill & Hill could not understand that the election is not about them, but about us -- as a people, a community, a culture, a country and an idea -- is disturbing, to say the least, and perhaps grounds for getting them both off the national stage ASAP with a very large and deliberate Vaudevillian hook.
Furthermore, I think Barack Obama has matured and held his ground not only as a candidate, but as a human being. In the words of my very Republican-loyalist 86-year-old mother, a President Barack Obama "could be very healing for the country." If my Republican mom wants to vote for Obama, I say we have a winning candidate.
On Charlie Rose tonight (Monday, Jan. 28), ABC News' Martha Raddatz said that the majority of service people in Iraq and Afghanistan she spoke with on a recent trip supported Barack Obama. Then presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin added that her son, who earned a Bronze Star during two tours of duty as a platoon leader in Baghdad, had told her the same thing. When the military supports a Democrat, especially whne a decorated and celebrated war hero like John McCain may well be the Republican nominee for president, it is time to sit up and take notice.
Re: the NM Dem caucuses on Feb. 5
I've felt we have heard too little about the Feb. 5 caucuses. It turns out that because the NM Dem State Central Committee and Governor Richardson wanted to move the Dem presidential primaries up to Feb. 5, the event had to be held separately from the state's regular primary, which meant it could not be called a primary, and it had to be promoted with publicity only (not advertising) by the NM Democratic Party. So, I thought I would do my little bit here to help get out the word.
The upcoming Dem "caucuses" -- which will be run by the NM Democratic Party, not by the NM Secretary of State's office -- will, by the way, not be an Iowa-style caucus. It will be a paper ballot election, with 184 polling places located around the state, each open 12 noon to 7 pm on Tuesday, Feb. 5. I was sorry to hear that when I called the NM Dem Party office the other day to get info about the election. I'd been looking forward to participating in a live-person caucus as they do in Iowa and Nevada. Ah, well.
Here's the link to the Feb. 5 caucus FAQ's pdf.
I'll be posting more about this soon. Please, Vote!

First posted 1-29-08 on the original Whistling Dog.
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