Monday, February 4, 2008

Shades of Gray

It's a sometime thing;
I've never quite been able to shake it:
That lean of a sweatered torso
And tightly Levi'd legs --
Casual, (but not "cool"),
Unsuspecting and
Self-absorbed, (an inevitable challenge) --
Against the damp concrete
Pillar of a building --
Watched through the window of a bus
On a rainy evening --
Still commands my eyes,
Benumbs my body,
And unhinges my jaw,
(A little).

Going home on the bus
from New Haven Green
Wednesday 10/22/1976

Poem Three from "At Home,"
a six-poem collection,
published in New Haven, 1976

See the original poem on my personal website,

First posted 12-14-7 on the original Whistling Dog.

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