This CBS story was the headline link on Huff Post Sunday night.
I spoke with Sen. Chris Dodd's office several weeks ago after I heard him say on Air America that he planned to filibuster if the FISA "fix-it" bill came to the Senate floor with immunity for the telecom companies. Dodd's staff confirmed then that he planned to filibuster.
It appears he has stuck with his pledge. He should be supported and applauded.
Sen. Dodd (D-CT) has been an important articulator during this past year on the subject of Constitutional rights. His determined campaign to bring subjects like this to the front of the Democratic nomination process is one key reason all of the candidates made such a point of saying last week in Iowa that they would heal the Constitutional wounds that Bush has inflicted on this country.
The House has already passed a FISA bill that does not include telecom immunity, and in my opinion they should not get immunity. If they do, the courts -- which are dealing with numerous lawsuits on this subject right now -- and the Congress -- which has been investigating but not getting very far -- will never be able to uncover the un-Constitutional invasions of privacy shenanigans the telecoms have committed in collusion with the Bush Administration in the name fighting "terrorism."
Aside: Can one really declare a "war on terror?" Isn't that like declaring war on all the sand on all the beaches in the world? Answer: Yes. This is a completely futile and symbolic act, the only purpose of which is to keep the population stirred up and fearful, so one can do things like....infringe on people's civil liberties with relative impunity.
Anyway, please support Dodd's efforts to stop the Senate Intelligence Committee's FISA bill that coddles the telecom companies.
Please call your Senators now. Urge them to support the Judiciary Committee's FISA bill instead. This bill excludes immunity for the telecoms.
Both bills may come to the Senate floor as early as today, Monday, December 17.
The switchboard number for the US Congress (House and Senate) is: 212-224-3121.
First posted 12-17-07 on the original Whistling Dog.
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