Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Truth Will Out

Peggy Noonan, a respected Wall Street Journal columnist, and a former speech writer for Ronald Reagan, and MSNBC political commentator and Time Magazine columnist Mike Murphy, who used to advise John McCain, spoke some important words of truth today on MSNBC about McCain and his unfortunate Veep pick, Sarah Palin.

Noonan and Murphy, both of whom I've learned to respect over the years for their candor and relative lack of spin (though they are Republican operatives), were chatting with MSNBC Political Director Chuck Todd during a cutaway today outside the Repug's convention in Minnesota. Huffington Post has a wonderful rehash of their candid and obviously deeply felt disappointment in McCain's choice of Palin.

Says Noonan: "It's over." "Political bullshit."

Says Murphy: "Cynical" and "Gimmicky."

Watch and say thank you, Peggy and Mike.

Original video on HuffPost courtesy of Brightcove.

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