Friday, August 15, 2008

Barack Obama on Energy in Lansing, Michigan

If you want to understand what the real issues are in this so-called Energy Debate, please listen to what Barack has to say in this speech. It is carefully constructed to lay all the issues out in an organized and methodical way. Everything you need to fill your quiver with arrows against the Republicans' ranting of drill drill drill is here.

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Watch This!

Watch this video if you want to understand what the issues are in our current our so-called energy debate.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Paris Hilton Makes Her Stand

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

This is Paris Hilton's response to John McCain's ad taking advantage of her celebrity (and Britney's) to take a swipe at how popular Barack Obama is. It's not bad, in fact. Actually, it's pretty clever!

This is my suggestion everyone: Let's all get video cams and put together our own messages on what we'd really like Barack Obama and the Dems to say to McCain et al, but so far they either haven't said it, or feel it's just too unseemly to say outright, and be totally honest.

Cause it's time for a change. We all know it, and we're all just a bit on edge these days. The Republicans want to demoralize everyone. We can't let them.

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