Saturday, March 8, 2008

Monster Mash!

Just for the fun of it, I think we should make the word "MONSTER!" the new shibboleth of our political present and future.

Poor Samantha Power. She channeled all of our rage and had to resign, but in the end she made it okay for all of us to scream at once what we've been feeling inside: "Monster! Hillary Clinton is a MONSTER!"

Hillary and her once-beloved Husband (I won't speak his name aloud any longer), for many years have comprised the vision of the "anti-Bush" that so many Americans (and not just Democrats) looked back to like a shimmering blue and green oasis in the barren, dessicated desert that had spread out all around us like a granulating cancer under a glowering sky.

All at once, in the space of two nightmarish months, our golden pair of heroes morphed into hissing, sharp-fanged political MONSTERS in the face of competition from a quiet, beautifully spoken man of true integrity and elegant bearing, a man no one had expected, especially the Clintons.

Hideous green vapors of jealousy waft from Hillary's skin every time she looks at Obama when they are together for their so-called "debates." Flustered and tongue-tied, she can't seem to believe that people heckle her stubborn, tone-deaf and petulant complaints about Obama. She only looks more pathetic every time I see her. I want to vomit, honestly.

Well, that's it. Now I've relieved myself. Move along, please. Nothing to see here. Except perhaps how much I'm really beginning to hate Hillary.


Here's a summary on Huffington Post of La Samantha Power "Monster!" Affair.

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